Program Components

Teacher Resource Books
Flying Start to Literacy: PHONICS™ is anchored by the Teacher Resource Books—one for each stage—that offer comprehensive, explicit, and systematic instruction divided into three modules for Stage One, and two modules each for Stages Two and Three.

Each Module concludes with a review of the letter-sound correspondences taught in that Unit. Handsomely designed, with full color throughout, Teacher Resource Books are designed to be easy to follow and clear in their organization.

Decodable Books
Seventy titles in all—these Decodable Books have been carefully crafted to reinforce the skills presented in each module. Compelling texts with recurring groups of characters are offered for Modules One, Two, and Three. Paired informational and narrative texts are introduced in Stage Two Module Four.

Teacher Notes included in every book offer invaluable support for using the texts as part of the overall instructional process

The Big Book of Rhymes
The Big Book of Rhymes is a lively, oversized collection of shareable poems, lushly illustrated in full color. It provides a rhyme for each letter of the alphabet as it is introduced. Rhymes can be used in oral language activities, phonological awareness, building vocabulary, and identifying high-utility words.

Alphabet Cards
Double-sided Alphabet Cards feature a picture on one side and the picture with its letter correspondence on the reverse. Colorful, laminated, and sturdy, these cards will withstand countless hours of student interactions.

FREE Downloadable Materials to Support Instruction!
Essential instructional components are available for free downloading from the Okapi Digital Literacy™ platform. Helpfully organized by Stage and Module, each unit’s downloads provide everything you will need to place in students’ hands for reading, writing, and assessment.